Saturday, February 2, 2008

P3 Day 5

Well, so far so good. I'm hovering every day within the +/-2 LIW. I am, in fact, over my LIW today as I was really bad about my water yesterday. I find that while in P3, I have to force myself to remember to drink enough water. It's funny that while in P2, it's so natural to drink it, but then all of that goes out the window once I'm off VLCD. Bad, Renee, bad.

Some good news. While picking up the kiddos from a friend's birthday party, I went up to talk to the hosting mom as I hadn't seen her in a while and wanted to quickly catch up while the party was wrapping up. As I was walking up to her, she looked puzzled and then suddenly this look of shock traveled across her face. She then started screaming, "OMG! OMG! I didn't even know that was you. You look AMAZING!" I had to tell her she made my day as many people don't say a single word about weight loss. It really felt fantastic to have someone acknowledge my hard work. Combine that with the fact that this morning I tried on my super-comfy uber-fantastic 'ooooh, look at my rear in these!' most-favorite Patagonia size 12 cargo pants and they fit. Wow. We have another birthday party today and I'm going to wear them and yes- probably check myself out in the mirrors all day long.

I've been doing some thinking on when to start back on VLCD. I was going to start on Monday, but I just found out that the out-of-towners aren't leaving until Thursday. Now, I'm not going to wait until Thursday. But I would really like to partake in the luncheon on Monday as everyone is going out for sushi. That's something I don't want to miss. So it's looking like I'll start back on Tuesday and then continue for 21 injections, wrapping up on 2/25. I'm anxious to see how the losses go after this short break. Better? Same? We'll seeee.

Sorry for the delay in posting. Preparing for out-of-towners all the while my husband has been up in SD alllll week left things a little goofy around here. I apologize I haven't had the time to make the rounds on everyone's blogs. I hope to be able to do that soon. I miss you all!

Happy weekend, everyone.


maryg911 said...

Ah, finally, I was wondering where you went to? I was missing Miss Renee. Glad you're back and you are doing awesome!!
Wow, doesn't it feel great when someone notices!!
Make sure you keep us posted when you start back up!!

beachbrights said...

Great job on the maintaining! I'm envious....

What an ego boost when people notice our efforts....and congrats on those pants. I bet you look fantastic! Take a picture and post it!


BizBuzz said...

Sounds like the break is going well! GOOD FOR YOU! It still freaks me out your in 12's! WOO HOO FOR YOU! Shows you the my weight isn't bad, it's just that I am vertically challenged! ROFL

Go on girl!

Anonymous said...

hello Renee. I'm new to blogging and hcg dieting. Have been reading your blogs for awhile now and congrats on the weight loss success.

Were you a chef in another life???? The recipes are fantastic and I'm sure they will make this hcg program so much easier. In case you don't hear it enough---thank you---thank you----thank you!!!!!! Will continue to read about your success.

Becca said...

I'm glad you took the time out of that crazy busy schedule to update us and tell us the GREAT story about not being recognized! I love it! And you certainly do deserve it. And I know what you mean about checking out the rear view. I'm finding that I do that way to much these days! LOL!

Ed & Jennifer said...

Well Shizzle Dizzle-where have I been? I didn't even know you posted! I've been thinkin' about your size 12 bad self! Hope things are going great. Have you had a drink for me?

Hurry back, I miss you!

EweWho said...

You are doing a great job and it's about time someone commented!

To maintain while having out of towners around is a miracle in itself. Congratulations!

Becca said...

Hi Renee, just checking in to see how it's going. I miss your daily posts! Take care...

purchase hcg said...

Excellent post! Looks like the results are fantastic!a

best hcg drops said...

You certainly need to drink adequate amount of water for it would contribute to better weight loss.