Monday, September 3, 2007

VLCD Day 4

Injection #6
Loss Today: <2.6>
Loss Total: <10.8>

Well that was certainly a pleasant surprise this morning. I didn't expect anything more than a pound this morning and I got a whole 2.6! I thought it would be more difficult this weekend with the entire family at home for the holiday, but surprisingly it's pretty easy to stay on task. I've fixed their foods with no taste-testing and haven't been hungry at all except when it's time for my regular meals. That's so fantastic that I can barely put it into words.

Lunch: I ate an apple about 11am and then ran out to do errands. We didn't get back until 1:30 or so and by that time I was pretty hungry & ready for lunch! I whipped up some quick shrimp on the George Foreman with fresh basil & lemon and wrapped them up in romaine, with a side of grissini. Really quick & satisfying. I think tomorrow I might pre-cook up some of my meats so I have them ready on hand if I need to take them with me.

Dinner: Again, I had something entirely different planned and then switched it up at the last minute due to things happening here at the house. I ate a baked apple as a snack between lunch and dinner. For dinner, I baked up some chicken and then had cucumber salad. And a grissini! I love that crunch. I'm stuffed and not currently nervous for waking up to the scale. I am fully expecting these losses to slow down & I'm now (I think) fully prepared for it. Here's to another great day!


BizBuzz said...

Oh Renee! Your doing so remarkable well!!! It's hard to really know until you experience it yourself what this is all about. WOW! Congrats on the fantastic weight loss!

Renee said...

Thanks so much, Biz! I think it's finally sinking in that this in fact will work for me as well. Yay! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm started the oral Hcg a day behind you. I love reading your blog! It's comforting to know someone else going through this also. Keep it up! The diet for me is also positive so far.. However I do have cravings at night before bed.. Is this normal?

Renee said...

Thanks, mojo! (Great name, btw.) I appreciate that. :)

I've heard some people have cravings and some don't. I really haven't - at least nothing really major. I did, however, have a weird craving right before bed the other night - thoughts of tuna wrapped in lettuce. I thought - hey! If I'm having a craving let me think about chocolate or something! LOL. Some people report weird pregnancy-type of cravings as well. If that's the case, then I see some strawberry soda cravings in my future.